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Mass is offered at three locations in the area:

Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem
Charles Town, West Virginia

Carmel of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Fairfield, Pennsylvania

St. Alphonsus Church
Baltimore, Maryland

St. Mary’s is two blocks away from the student residence, 2.5 blocks away from the classrooms, and 2.75 blocks away from the dining facility.

Residency Requirements

All students will live in Collegium housing with the following exceptions:

  • students living at home;
  • students living with relatives;
  • students living in a home approved by their parents and by the Collegium.


The Hamilton Hotel, once Hagerstown’s largest hotel, serves as Collegium housing. It is located at 92 W. Washington St. in downtown Hagerstown.  It is next to the University of Maryland’s Hagerstown campus (a hub for various colleges of the University of Maryland system to offer distance curricula), where the Collegium holds classes.

Housing Arrangements

The Collegium occupies the third and fourth floors of the Hamilton Hotel.

  • The men live on one wing on each floor; the wing is separated by a secured door.
  • The women live on another wing of each floor; the wing is also separated by a secured door.
  • Currently, several faculty members also live in the building.
  • There is no inter-wing visitation. (Students entering the wing designated for students of the opposite sex will be expelled.)


Access to the building and to the student residence wings is by key card.

The building is monitored 24 hours/day.

Alcohol, Drugs, and Smoking/Vaping

The legal drinking age in Maryland is 21.  Therefore, alcohol is forbidden at all Collegium activities that involve students, on- or off-campus.  Alcohol and drugs are forbidden in the residence hall.   Smoking/vaping is forbidden on all Collegium sites.

Students using forbidden substances (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, vaping materials) will be fined and/or expelled.

Students entering the wing designated for members of the opposite sex will be expelled.

students in a meeting

students playing ping pong


 Breakfast is a self-serve meal, similar to what you might experience in a hotel.

Lunch and Dinner are taken together as a community, with grace before and after.


We utilize a total of ten different restaurants downtown for meals. All the different menus and venues give the students a healthy variety in their daily routine! To order, students go to a link before each meal and pick whatever they’d like off the menu. The meals are ready when we arrive. (Pretzel & Pizza Creations, China King Chinese Kitchen, 28 South, Bulls & Bears, Rice Thai Dining, Los Amigos Mexican Restaurant, Provision & Supply Co District Hagerstown, The Broad Axe, Schmankerl Stube Bavarian Restaurant.)

person cooking


Every student is required to give at least eight hours/week to service/work to The Collegium.  There are four reasons for this:

  1. to gain the spiritual benefits of work;
  2. to offset some of the costs and to help keep the cost of The Collegium as low as possible; (NOTE: this program does not reduce your tuition/room & board charges; it keeps us from having to raise them.)
  3. to give students work experience that will help you connect the skills attained in the class room to real-life work experience;
  4. to give you experiences that will enhance your resume upon graduation.

Normally, students are not paid by our partners.  Rather, students fulfill their hour of service in these positions and the partners make donations to support The Collegium.  However, depending on the number of hours worked, it is possible that students could earn some income for hours worked beyond their service requirements.

(Students can be assigned to any work position. We try to be sensitive to your wishes, but we cannot guarantee any particular position.)

Below are some of the downtown businesses that have entered work agreements with The Collegium.

See more about Ora et Labora here.

Gideon Properties  (20 W. Washington St.)

Gideon Properties, LLC is a Real Estate Investment Company established by Michael Fitzgerald, a friend of The Collegium. Gideon Properties invests in distressed properties and rehabilitates underutilized commercial buildings and unstable apartment complexes.  Some of Gideon Properties’ projects can be viewed here.

Maryland Watch Works (14 N. Potomac St.)

Maryland Watch Works is a custom watch manufacturer and supplier.  They provide private label ODM (Original Design Manufacture), ODM (Original Equipment Manufacturer), assembly and repair services for watch brands.  They also repair quartz, manual, automatic, complicated and antique watches.  Their website is here.

Students can not only learn every aspect of the watch-making business, but they can also become certified technicians/watchmakers through the State of Maryland’s apprenticeship program.

Heavenly Roast Coffee  (20 W. Washington St.)

Heavenly Roast Coffee is produced and sold by Holy Angels Ministries to support The Collegium.

Students working for Heavenly Roast Coffee will learn all phases of running a small business, from production, to shipping, to customer relations, to ordering, to bookkeeping, to marketing.

The Ice Cream Shop  (96 W. Washington St.)

Hagerstown’s only ice cream store.  They feature ice cream from the local South Mountain Creamery.

The Yarn Shop (98 W. Washington St.)

Hagerstown’s source for all things in the world of knitting.

Datachieve  (30 W. Washington St.)

DatAchieve is a digital agency specializing in web, print, and marketing solutions that engage customers and grow business.

Wright-Garner Insurance  (100 W Antietam St.)

Elizabeth’s Super Clean Laundry (571 Jefferson St.)

This laundry is owned by The Collegium.

Leiter’s Fine Catering  (Williamsport, MD)

Family-owned and operated, Leiters’ Fine Catering is a leading full-service event planning company that has been serving the quad state areas for more than forty years.


seminarian help

Like us, many colleges extol the many extra-curricular opportunities in their areas.  However, what often happens is that students get so involved in the intensity of campus life, that they never take advantage of everything the area has to offer.

We have a fix for that!

Every third week, we “shift gears” and take class on the road.  We will, together, explore one of the opportunities in the area.  It might be something cultural, like a museum, or a music concert, or something happening in DC.  It might be a hike along the Appalachian Trail.  It might be something that you, as students, plan, or it might just be a surprise!

Whatever it is, it will be a built-in break from the routine of campus life.  It will give you an opportunity to “reboot and recharge,” and it will help you live in a way where learning is more than just the classroom.

student excursion

student excursion

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Extra-Curricular Activities

Whether you are interested in outdoor activities, art, music, or just sitting with a great book, Hagerstown has an amazing variety of opportunities for you.

Outdoors in the Immediate Vicinity
The Greens at Hamilton Run Golf Course
Hagerstown City Park

Jogging, Biking, Tennis - .7 miles away

Hagerstown Cultural Trail

1 block away

Basketball Hoops at St. Mary's
Tennis Courts at Hagerstown City Park
Hagerstown - "Bronze Level Bicycle Friendly Community"
Outdoors Nearby
Appalachian Trail

40 miles of trail in WA County

C&O Towpath

8 miles away

Hagerstown Hockey

Less than one mile away

South Mountain State Park
Cunningham Falls State Park
Greenbrier State Park

10 miles away

Antietam Battlefield

10 miles away - 10 trails

Fort Frederick State Park

20 miles away

Mt. Washington State Park

15 miles away

Slam the Weight

.1 miles away

Planet Fitness

1.8 miles away


2.7 miles away

Cultural Attractions
Maryland Theatre


ACT Black Box Studio


Maryland Symphony


Hagerstown Railroad Museum
Museum of Fire Fighting


Washington County Playhouse


Shepherd University Student-Community Orchestra


WA County Public Library


Miller House Museum


WA County Museum of Fine Arts
Jonathan Hager House & Museum
Catholic Shrines Nearby
Elizabeth Seton Shrine

27 miles away

Lourdes Shrine

25 miles away

St. Alphonsus Liguori Shrine
Immaculate Conception Shrine
Franciscan Monastery

71 miles away (Wash DC)

Other Activities

Washington DC and Baltimore

Washington and Baltimore are each 65 miles away – close enough for a day trip to enjoy the sites or a special event.

Student-Designed Activities

As a member of the inaugural class you will have a unique opportunity to shape many facets of campus life, including activities around your favorite thing to do.

Faculty are here to help you facilitate your ideas.


Downtown Hagerstown is the headquarters for Authentic Community Theatre (ACT). ACT performances are held in the ACT Blackbox Studio and the Maryland Theatre, both of which are 1.5 blocks from The Collegium residence hall.

Collegium students are welcome to audition for all ACT performances.

Schedule a Visit or Interview Today