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Students applying for the fall semester of an academic year have two Application Deadline Dates from which to choose:

  • December 1 – Early Action Deadline
  • March 1 – Regular Admissions Deadline of March 1.

December 1 – Early Action Deadline

Students whose application packages are complete and submitted by December 1

  • will receive notification of acceptance or rejection by Christmas;
  • will be guaranteed of the current year’s cost for tuition, room, and board for their first year, if their deposit is paid by February 1.

March 1 – Regular Action Deadline

Students whose application packages are complete and submitted by March 1 will receive notification of their acceptance or rejection by April 1.

After March 1

Applications received after March 1 are an exception to the normal Admissions Policy and will be accommodate only on a space-available basis.

Students who application packages are complete and submitted after March 1 will receive notification of their acceptance or rejection within two-four weeks of the submission of their application package.

The admission process has several steps:

  • complete The Collegium Application Form, below, and pay the application fee;
    • this will include uploading/sending ​
      • materials supporting your academic aptitude and accomplishments,​
      • two letters of recommendation,
      • any other supporting material (all outlined in the application);
  • send transcripts of all schools attended to The Collegium;
  • send scores from the CLT or SAT or ACT to The Collegium;
    • The Collegium code for the ACT is 4617;​
    • The Collegium code for the SAT is 7739;
    • There is no code for the CLT.  You simply request that the scores be sent to The Collegium (Collegium sanctorum angelorum).

The Application Form is linked to the button below.

  • You may print the form and work on it offline before submission.
  • You may also save the form and complete it in more than one session.
  • When you are ready to submit your application, click PREVIEW.  Then when the form is complete and you are satisfied that it is accurate, click SUBMIT.
  • You will be charged the $50.00 application fee when you submit the form.  You will need a credit card to pay the fee.
  • You will receive a verification that your application has been received and payment made.
  • If you do not receive the verification, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. ( or 412-913-2985)

We are looking forward to receiving your application.

Apply Today

Recommenders Submit Letters Here


If you are looking for a college…

  • that is steadfastly faithful to the unchanging magisterium of the Church,
  • where every faculty, staff, and board member is a practicing Catholic who has signed the Oath Against Modernism,
  • where you will be encouraged to grow, as an independent adult, in the faith that you were given at home …

If you are looking for a college…

  • that is more affordable than most public institutions…

If you are looking for a college…

  • that is committed to the search for Truth as taught by the great minds of the Church through the Ages,
  • that is steadfastly committed to goodness, truth, and beauty of the Ancient Mass and Divine Office and to traditional forms of Catholic prayer and piety…
The Collegium
  • has the only curriculum that is, in all areas, based on Aristotelian realism.
  • has a curriculum that follows not only a selection of material, but also a process of learning
    • starting with the Trivium (the principles of learning),
    • followed by a study of the physical and natural sciences (applying the principles of learning to things that we can see and feel),
    • and finally the study of philosophy and theology (applying the principles of learning to things that are, indeed, real, but that we cannot see and feel.)
  • has daily prayer integrated into our program, not added on.
  • has an Ora et labora program helps students
    • to apply a liberal education to work experiences and
    • to gain the spiritual benefits of simpler work.
  • fully embraces the traditions of the Church.
    • The traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office, and traditional forms of piety and ways of living are not added experiences for us. They are intrinsic to who we are.
Hagerstown, MD

If you are looking for a college…

  • that is in a town that is small enough to feel comfortable,
  • that is easily accessible from the Baltimore and Washington airports,
  • is close enough to Baltimore and Washington to enjoy some of the major attractions of the cities,
  • that is near five national parks, has one of only three accredited art museums in Maryland, and is near Catholic shrines such as the Lourdes Grotto and the St. Elizabeth Seton shrine in Emmitsburg,
  • that has four seasons,
  • that sits in the center of the town’s arts and historic districts …
Preparation for Heaven, Life, and a Career

If you are looking for a college…

  • that is committed to formation as much as information,
  • that integrates practical work skills into the curriculum,
  • where you will develop life-long friendships with other students with similar commitments to the faith,
  • that is committed to helping you develop skills that employers are seeking …

If you are looking for a college…

  • that is committed to beauty, especially in the sung Mass and Office,
  • that will give you an opportunity to continue to use any musical gifts you may have …

…then you should choose The Collegium.

The basic requirements for entrance to The Collegium are as follows:

  • Demonstrate that you have completed standard high school competencies (with the Recommended High School Curriculum below);
  • Demonstrate that you are “college able;”

recommended high school curriculum

college able

If You Are a Homeschooler…

We welcome homeschooling students at The Collegium.

We welcome homeschooling students at The Collegium. In fact, 90% of Collegium applicants and students come from homeschooling families.

Our admissions process takes into account the unique ways in which you may demonstrate your achievements and your potential for success at The Collegium.

Fear not!

Yearly Cost (August to May)
Tuition Yearly Cost (August to May)$10,000
Room Yearly Cost (August to May)$5000
Board (14 meals: lunch and dinner 7 days) Yearly Cost (August to May)$5000
Books (estimate) Yearly Cost (August to May)$1000
Activities Yearly Cost (August to May)$100
Damage Deposit Yearly Cost (August to May)$500
Room Utilities* Yearly Cost (August to May)$500
Internet** Yearly Cost (August to May)$500
Washer/Dryer Fee*** Yearly Cost (August to May)$0
Subtotal of Basic Costs Yearly Cost (August to May)$22,600
Travel Yearly Cost (August to May)
Cell Phone/Computer Yearly Cost (August to May)
Clothing Yearly Cost (August to May)
Spending/Miscellaneous Yearly Cost (August to May)
Health Care Coverage Yearly Cost (August to May)
Insurance for Personal Property Yearly Cost (August to May)
Bed & Bath Linens (You provide your own.) Yearly Cost (August to May)
Yearly Cost (August to May)
Total Yearly Cost (August to May)

*Room Utilities info – Cost (electricity and water) is an estimated cost per person; it assumes that the utility costs are shared by 2 persons in a one-bedroom apartment.

**Students internet info – purchase internet service themselves from a local company, Antietem Broadband, and share the cost.

***Washer/Dryer info – Every apartment has a washer/dryer in it.


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Interviews & Visits

As part of the admissions process, all applicants are required to make a visit to The Collegium. During the visit, Collegium administrators and faculty will conduct interviews with the applicant and the applicant’s parents. In addition, the applicant will stay at least on night in college housing, attend classes, meals, activities, and prayer.

Request Information

I Would Like to Visit the Collegium or Schedule an Interview Only

A visit to The Collegium will typically include the following:

  • a tour of the facility;
  • a visit to the location of the apartments;
  • a tour of the Hagerstown downtown revitalization work;
  • a visit to St. Mary’s Catholic Church, where Mass will be offered and the Office will be sung;
  • an interview;
  • a question and answer session.

If you would like to schedule your visit around Mass, the traditional Latin Mass is offered at St. Mary’s Catholic Church

  • on Sundays at 11:30AM (normally high Mass),
  • all Holy Days of Obligation in the evening.

Prayer schedule:

  • Lauds Monday through Saturday at 9:40AM
  • Lauds on Sunday at 9:00AM
  • Rosary, Vespers, and Angelus Sunday through Friday day at 5:50PM
  • Rosary, Vespers, and Angleus Saturday at 4:00PM.

You may schedule a visit by completing and submitting this form or by calling us at 412-913-2985.

NOTE:  There are no classes on Wednesdays.  It is best to schedule a visit on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday.

  • I would like to visit The Collegium on this date
  • I cannot visit the campus, but please call to schedule an interview.
  • You will be be called to confirm you visit and/or interview. Please indicate the number you would like us to call:
  • You will be contacted within 48 hours of submitting this form to confirm your date/time or to schedule your visit/interview. Thank you.

Lodging for Visitors

The Hampton Inn Dual Highway

1716 Dual Highway
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Request the corporate rate.

Homewood Suites

1650 Pullman Lane
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Request The Collegium rate.


1661 Pullman Lane
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Request The Collegium rate.

Ramada Plaza

1718 Underpass Way
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Request The Collegium rate.

Holiday Inn Express & Suites

241 Railway Lane
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Request The Collegium rate.

Schedule a Visit or Interview Today